Saturday 13 August 2011

Denotified Nomadic Tribes of India

Denotified and Nomadic Tribes of India

“Fifteen crore people of our community belongs to denotified nomadic tribes have been suffering for the past 60 years. They are not getting the benefits of development. After neglect for so many years, the Renake Commission constituted for uplift of the community recommended various measures for its welfare such as a separate budget and reservation in services and education. They urge the Government to implement the report without any further delay”.

The communities designated as Denotified Tribes (DNT) and Nomadic Tribes (NT) of India were identified as "Criminal Tribes" (which included both castes as well as tribes) in pre-independence India. Though the Criminal Tribes Act, 1871 was annulled soon after independence, the police, as well as members of the public, frequently and most regrettably continue to treat persons belonging to these communities as "born criminals" and "habitual criminals". They, therefore, remain amongst the most discriminated and disadvantaged groups in the country.

Acting on a petition filed by eminent activist and author, Smt. Mahasvetadevi, President, Denotified & Nomadic Tribals Rights Action Group in May, 1998, the Commission convened a meeting of the Chief Secretaries and senior officers of the concerned States on 15 February, 2000 to deal the matter.

The recommendations included that a retired senior police officer of high reputation may be appointed in every state to watch the cases of atrocities against DNTs. The National Police Academy and other institutions imparting training to police officers be advised to reorient their syllabi and Habitual Offenders Act be repealed. The States were asked to report the action taken on the recommendations made. These included proper enumeration providing education, employment and other infrastructural facilities to them, and work out action plans for DNTs. The matter has been taken up with the State Governments, and is being pursued by the Commission.
The Government of India vide Resolution No. dated 14th march, 2005 Constituted “National Commission for De-notified, Nomadic and Semi Nomadic tribes” to study various developmental aspects of these Tribes.  The Government of India also appointed the Chairman (Shri. Balakrishna Sidram Renake), a Member (Shri Laxmanbhai Kalidas Patni)  and the Member Secretary (Shri Lakshmi Chand, IAS) of this commission vide Government notification F. No.  12016/24/2005 dated the 6th February, 2006. The Commission assumed its functioning w.e.f. 6th February, 2006.

This Commission (NCDNSNT) was appointed to study on the following Terms of Reference:  1) To specify the economic interventions required for raising the living standards of Denotified, Nomadic and Semi Nomadic Tribes by asset creation and self-employment opportunities;  2) To recommend measures to utilize the existing channeling agencies set up for the economic development of SC/STs and OBCs for extending an economic development package to these groups, keeping in view their specific requirements; 3) To identify programmes required for their education, development and health; and 4) To make any other connected or incidental recommendation, that the Commission deems necessary.

The National Commission for Denotified, Nomadic Tribes, has already been submitted it's final report to the Prime Minsiter of India and to the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, New Delhi on 2.7.2008. The major recommendations of the Commission are: 1) Separate reservations for DNTs in education, employmentation, politics and all spheres of socio economic life, as available to SCs and STs. 2) Special care in Education, Health, Housing, Self Emplymentation, etc. 3) Permanent Commission for Denotified Nomadic Tribes in the line of SCs and STs. 4) Early implementation of seventy six recommendations for empowerment of DNTs.

In India the Andhra Pradesh state government has been recognized the  following Communities under backward classes list under group-A as DNTs: 1. Agnikulashatriya, Palli, Vadabalija, bestha, Jalari,  Gangavar, Gangaputra, Goondla, Vanyakulakshatriya,      Vannekapu, Vannereddi, pallikapu, pallireddi, Neyyala & pattapu, 02. Balasanthu, Bahurupi, 03. Bandara, 04. Budabukkala, 05. Rajaka, Chakali, Vannar, 06. Dasari, 07. Dommara, 08. Gangiredlavaru, 09. Jangam, 10. Jogi, 11. Katipapala, 12. Korcha, 13. Lambada or Banjara, 14. Medari or Mahendra, 15. Mondivaru, Mondibanda, Banda, 16. Nayee Brahmin, Mangali, Mangala, Bajantri, 17. Nakkala, 18. Vamsharaj, Pitchiguntla, 19. Pamula, 20. Pardhi, Nirishikari, 21. Pambala, 22. Dammali/ Dammala/ Dammula/ Damala, Peddammavandlu, Devaravandlu, Yellammavandlu, Mutyalammavandlu, 23. Veeramusthi, Veerabhadreeya, Nettikotala, 24. Valmiki, Boya, Bedar, Kirataka, Nishadi, Yellapi, Peddaboya, Talayari and Chunduvallu, Yellapi & Yellapu, 25. Yerukalas, 26. Gudala, 27. Kanjara-Bhatta, 28. Kalinga, 29. Kopmare or Reddika, 30. Mondipatta, 31. Nekkar, 32. Periki Muggula, 33. Yata, 34. Chopemari, 35. Kaikadi, 36. Joshinandiwalas, 37. Odde, Oddilu, Vaddi, Vaddelu, 38. Mandula, 39. Methar(Muslim), 40. Kunapuli, 41. Patra, 42. Kurakala, 43. Pondara, 44. Samanthula/ Samantha/ Sountia/ Sauntia, 45. Pala-Ekari, Ekila, Vyakula, Ekiri, Nayanivaru, Palegaru, Tolagari, Kavali, 46. Rajannala, Rajannalu, 47. Bukka Ayyavara, 48. Gotrala, 49. Kasikapadi/ Kasikapudi, 50. Siddula, 51. Sikligar/Saikalgar, 52. Poosala.
-       Deekonda NaringaRao (AP, Hyderabad, India)
Phone: 0-9849552877, Email:


  1. DNT Jana-andolan is on 31.8.2011 at Jantarmantar, NewDelhi.

    Please attend & support the DNT Jana-Andolan (Dharna & Meeting)
    is on 31.08.2011 (Wednesday) for constitutional protection and
    immediate implementation of Renk
    Commissions' recommendations.

    If this commission's recommendations implemented
    the 650 communities all over india, like Medari,
    Gangireddula, Budabudakala, Oddari, Vamsharaj,
    Katikapala, Veerabhadriya, Balasantu, Bahurupi,
    Dommara, Dasari, etc will be benefitted a lot like
    SCs and STs.

    Sri. Bala Krishna Sidram Renake
    (Former Chairman of National Commission on DNTs),
    Sri. Hari Bhau Rathod (Former Member of Loksabha), etc
    are participating and addressing the DNT community.

    (DNT means Denotified Nomadic & Seminomadic tribes.)

    with warm regards
    - Deekonda NarsingaRao 09849552877
    DNT Welfare Association,
    Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad.

  2. i need to know what is out come of this meeting
